Our Mission and Vision


Our Mission

“The mission of the church is to make (new) disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” ¶120 Book of Disciple of The United Methodist Church

Our Vision

"The Garden shall reach out and celebrate all people through personal and spiritual relationships in community, in service, in love, in understanding, and in Jesus Christ."

Our 2024 goals

The Garden’s Leadership Goals identified five goals for 2024:

  1. Prayer and Care Ministries - Increase involvement online and phone communication for bereavement and prayer ministries. This goal expresses our faith through praying for one another and caring for one another in times of difficulty.

  2. Expansion of Community Ministries - The Garden will expand ministries geared towards neighborhood and community members through effective communication and volunteer recruitment. This goal expresses our faith outwardly to the community and welcomes guests and community members into relationship with The Garden.

  3. Expansion of Adult Events and Small Groups—Form an event planning group that plans and coordinates secular community-wide events. This includes expanding the number of small groups available so that people can attend more than one, and offering more visible ways to include the community beyond events for children. This goal emphasizes discipleship making.

  4. Connection to Non-Profits and Community Organizations—Coordinate with other assistance organizations in the community to assist a larger portion of marginalized persons. This includes meeting with more community organizations and inviting them to participate in the life of The Garden as speakers, in meetings, or by participating in outside events. This goal expresses our faith as we work to get to know our community better and discover ways we can effectively serve persons outside our congregation.

  5. New Worship Experiences - Create and have a worship experience/event specifically targeted toward the local community. This is to impact those who are uncomfortable in a regular church/worship service. This will also impact membership in worship and possibly grow numbers in small groups.